Vallensbæk bath house
In the summer of 2019 , Vallensbæk Kommune launched a competitive bid to identify the team to deliver a new bath house at their marina, as part of a larger extension and rejuvenation project for Vallensbæk Port. SquareOne teamed up with Urban Agency and CC Design to plan and execute the task.
We got the job based on our crystal clear understanding of the brief and our maritime-inspired concept -the knot - a single line moving in three dimensions and organizing circulation, swimming areas, observation decks and ultimately connecting the bath house with the beach at the opposite side of the mole.
The majority of the structure is floating on 2.40 x 3.00 x 0.70 concrete pontoons, a strategy that future-proofs the design from sea level fluctuations of up to 1.8 m (100 year flooding), while the deck is founded directly on the wave breaker’s stones.
The project is currently under construction and is expected to be ready for late summer 2021 dives. We can’t wait to bring the kids for a swim !
CLIENT: Vallensbæk Kommune
TEAM: SquareOne (Kostas Poulopoulos, Phivos Sigalas) Urban Agency (Henning Stuben, Ditte Bjerregård, Gaspar Kanepa) CC Design