3 vacation houses
How does one design summer destinations in the era of Airbnb? That, is how can one introduce “unique selling points” to architectural works, without diminishing them to fancy instagrammable images? It is becoming increasingly difficult to do firm, rooted architecture in a time where everything has become eye candy. On the other hand , there is no denying that clients and architects need to consider the marketability of the architectural product and its potential visual power. With Kordas Architects.

kostas Poulopoulos sketch 3 houses mani

concept sketch

To solve this tricky problem, we stand on two legs and seek middle ground between the vernacular and the postmodern (Venturi’s “Architecture as Image”) . We draw from the tradition of Mani and establish a deep root with the place: boxy geometry, local stone, firm standing on the landscape. But at the same time, we consciously twist the traditional vocabulary: we choose to introduce novel elements, not directly drawn from this place (or any place, for the matter): a diagonally pitched roof, variety of sizes and openings, crisp detailing based on metal rather than wood.
This way, we achieve a novel architectural language that is hopefully both local and global. Both soothing for the local eye, yet appealing and stimulating to the international guest.
The project has received building permission. With KORDAS Architects. TEAM_Kostas Poulopoulos, Aristeides Kordas, Andreas Kangas ,Chrisitina Stafylaki. IMAGES_Sugar Visuals