Sanderumgaard Pavillion
Sanderumgaard Romantic Garden was established on Fyn Island, DK by master landscape architect Johan Bülow between 1793-1828 . Bülow’s trace can be found not only in the layout of the garden, with the boat-ridden channels and islets, but also a series of small pavillons , which he hid across the garden, to be found by the visitor. Inside each pavillion dwelled a thought, a poem , a painting; a manifestation of the Romantic culture.
When our turn came to design a new pavillion for this exquisite environment, we decided to think opposite: we dreamt of something not hidden but exposed; not excluding but allowing activities; not a container of culture, but an arc for nature. The pavillion’s asymmetric design permits the creation of a glazed “poetry room”, a protected space for experiencing the elements with a warm cup of tea and a book, by the fireplace.
The project is currently going successfully trough funding process, and we will hopefully soon be able to announce reaching the target!
Kostas Poulopoulos, Phivos Sigalas, Jessica Frost, Marion Le Coq, Mantas Vilkelis, Karolis Bulika, Charlotte Skibsted Landskabsarkitekter, VITA Ing.